Campaign to Renovate the Mulitz Theater

In October 1997 Glenelg Country School opened the doors to a new Middle School building, which featured the 350-seat Mulitz Theater. Named in recognition of longtime GCS supporters Tommy and Shelley Mulitz, parents of Laura ‘96 and Michelle ‘02, “the Mulitz” has been the heart of the school’s acclaimed performing arts program for over two decades. 


2022 will mark the 25th anniversary of the theater’s opening, and the space is in dire need of improvements to the stage rigging system, the lighting and sound systems, and the curtains. Approximately $100,000 is needed in upgrades to ensure safety and our continued ability to produce high-quality, innovative productions and programs. For the 2020-2021 school year the theater has been in use as a classroom due to the pandemic-related social distancing requirements, so we have a unique opportunity to complete the work now and reopen a refreshed, updated theater for the 2021-2022 school year.


If you are interested in supporting this effort, please contact Lindsay Frost-Bhasin at 410-531-7337 or