
May 04, 2021

Capturing the Mood

Danielle Peterson

Normally, this adventurous Upper School art assignment involves a visit to the GCS pond with drawing panels and just four crayons per student to enjoy and depict the colors of the fall.


Each Studio Art student participates in this atmospheric perspective exercise in “Plein Air” style. The focus is on observing the landscape in layers, with layer completed in a different color, hue, or value. The colors represent students’ own mood.


The “pond journey” was changed to going outside of individual homes this fall due to the pandemic.

Students still experienced time away from technology, being outside, and noticing the environment around them. Students could look at their porches, yards, streets or adventure deeper into the nature surrounding them.


Works featured by Ava C., Hengyi S., Jennifer F., Natalie D., Ayla A., Finnegan S., Matthew S., Nayji H., Oscar Z., and Riya M.


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